Models are very fashionable , and have great sence of style. the last outfit is my favourite, lovely necklace matches great jacket and t-shirts, also the bracelet makes the look unique and realy great!Adorable.
hello i really like your blog aswell! Who is the model with the very light short blonde hair and a full fringe? It has been bugging me for ages as I can't find out who! I keep thinking she is Valerie with her hair cut of but I don't know =S nice blog anyway xxx
Greeat pics! Where do you find all these pics of models? Whenever I try and see what the models are wearing these days I get nothing. But kudos to you!
i love the third outfit. your blog is so cute!
i love the second outfit, very cute mini dress.
models are cool if they're not on drugs or anorexic/bullimic
the second is so hot. the model is wearing elements that SHOULD look contrived, but she has the attitude to carry it off.
i really like your blog aswell!
Who is the model with the very light short blonde hair and a full fringe?
It has been bugging me for ages as I can't find out who!
I keep thinking she is Valerie with her hair cut of but I don't know =S
nice blog anyway
Greeat pics! Where do you find all these pics of models? Whenever I try and see what the models are wearing these days I get nothing. But kudos to you!
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